Hello, and welcome to my beautiful website, a labor of love presented to me by my husband, in celebration of our receiving our Author copies of my first book, The One True King!
What a thrill it is to actually hold my book in my hands; God has truly blessed my life with tremendous joy over the last several years....He Is Awesome!
I am blessed to have this forum to share with friends, family, readers and searchers about my writing. The "SaBr" is for me, the "Truth" is the Truth of God's Word. All of my writings are inspired by Him, as revealed in The Word, and to my heart. It is my fondest dream that through these simple, fable-like works, readers will have an encounter with God.
In March, The One True King will be released, followed in April--the 8th to be exact-- by my first book signing at The Bridge, our friend's Christian Book Store. I hope to see you there, but if you can't make it, check back here for details on upcoming signings and promotions...and another book on the horizon!