Articles tagged with: News


A Fresh New Look

Written by // Sandra Brock Categories // Thoughts

and a new outlook

A Fresh New Look

Let me welcome you to my new website, and my new outlook, I am still going to continue the adventures of our favorite little monkey boy, but I am also promoting my new book, the truth about Me, in an autobiography and I am working on a book of photography and devotions that God is giving me a little at a time.

The Lord has done so much for me, I want to share it with the world. I am starting here, but He alone knows where I'll end up!


Fresh News

Written by // Sandra Brock Categories // Thoughts

Exciting, fresh news to tell. My first born nephew has returned from a long sojourn in New York. He was studying culinary there and has come home to apply what he has learned. To celebrate his return, I wrote him his own story, which is now the first story of my second book, Fleur Noir: Beyond The Field of Faith.

I am thrilled to be writing again! I can think of many loved ones for whom I have not yet written a story; maybe one or two loved ones will have their characters appear again....or perhaps there is just so much love in my heart right now, I am bursting at the seems and excited to have it spill over into all the avenues in my life.

You see, a collection of our favorite church members have set out on an exiting journey for Christ and are planting a church in the city where we live, Elk Grove, CA. My precious husband, stepson and I have committed ourselves to the furtherance of the Gospel with our church family at this new House of God, The Elk Grove Christian Fellowship.

We are taking baby steps, and as a writer, so am I.

For now.

But at least I am taking steps again....and who is to say how long they will stay small...stay tuned...The Lord is at work here!