

You Are Valuable

Written by // Sandra Brock Categories // Thoughts

I used to beleive that I was of no particular value, outside of my family circle.
I'm just a normal person; I struggled with drugs and alcohol and mental illness, I used to smoke cigarettes, I managed to get myself into a sticky situation and ended up homless--more than once--and when I lost my father, I nearly lost my mind as well! I have a couple things I can do well, but I looked at that, and in the mirror, and I used to think, Nothing Special.

I used to think that.
Then God showed me that I can encourage other people to get past drug and alcohol abuse--if I can do it, anyone can.
He showed me that my courage and His Love restoring me to mental health is something others need to know about.
I can tell people that they CAN stop smoking, they CAN get beyond being Homeless, they CAN recover from losses so great they seem to get knocked flat without the will to get up again.

I can, because He lives in me, and He didn't just get me through the struggles of my life just so I could be restored and live loved and happy.
He got me through those things so that I could show others it CAN happen!

So...what have you been through? What has your life taught you, that you can teach others?
What value lies in you, that you can use to show the goodness of God's Love? What gifts, gained through living life, make you special?
I encourage you to find them, and then share them.


The Lord Remains the Same

Written by // Sandra Brock Categories // Thoughts

He Is I Am

The only constant is change, perhaps you've heard that one?
Or the one that my mother told me time and again, This Too Shall Pass. No matter what I was going through or how sad I was, my mom assured me that this too would pass, as everything does.

Nothing remains the same; everything, eventually, changes.

Everything, tat is, except for The Lord.

He is I Am; He is the same today as He was yesterday, and when tomorrow comes, He will be the same still.
And He loves me the same today as He did yesterday; no matter what I do or don't do, even if He is displeased with my actions, He still loves me...I can't change that, and He won't change that.

How awesome is that?
And The Word that He laid out for his centuries ago is still true today; our understanding of it may change as we grow, but the words He gave, through the authors He chose, will always be The Truth.
We can always go there and find Him, in His Word. Because that is part of who He is to us, and that remains the same.
I have changed a lot over the years, and when I married even my name changed; God has many names, and He plays many roles in our lives as Christians...but they all remain the truth, as He is The Truth and The Way...and He always will be all that He is to us.


Merry, Merry....

Written by // Sandra Brock Categories // Thoughts


The Reason for the sounds so...made up and commercialized to say that He is the Reason for the Season. But the truth is, the real reason we celebrate Christmas is for Christ.

But the stores and the tv specials, and the gimmicks and the gizmos, they so often take the Christ out of Christmas.

As a Christian and a writer, and a Christian Writer, I want to take a moment and write something special about Christ, to put Him back into the holiday that we have as a celebration for His birth.

The Lord was born into life as a child, and then a man to show us the way Home, but not as easily as here, follow me...but Here, people, Follow Me through death on the cross through baptism, and then walk a good life on the Earth telling others about Me, by serving others and loving people into Redemption much the same as I did. He said, take up your cross and follow Me through persecution, to show the world that you'll go through anything to stand up for one thing: Christ.

At this time of year, when it becomes about giving...can you give...? Can you give Christ to a hurting world through how you live before man?

I want to try harder than ever before, through prayer and such simple things as smiling, and being kind; I pray my words may inspire you, Reader--Christian--to inspire others in the ways of Christ.

Merry Christmas


Dawn's Early Light

Categories // Thoughts

God's Details

I kind of like riding to work on the train in the early hours, as dawn is breaking through the clouds, issuing light to the morning, filling in the blank spos....almost like the Lord is coloring, adding the rich details to His creation.

I was like that, a Baby Christian, a blank canvas waiting for the Lord to issue the details, to fill in my colors and accents, to sketch in the nuances, to create the woman He always had it in mind for me to be.

I know that while I have come a long way, the masterpeice isn't finished yet. There are shades of glory yet to be revealed, as He brings the colors of love and family to life on the canvas of Sandra.


A Fresh New Look

Written by // Sandra Brock Categories // Thoughts

and a new outlook

A Fresh New Look

Let me welcome you to my new website, and my new outlook, I am still going to continue the adventures of our favorite little monkey boy, but I am also promoting my new book, the truth about Me, in an autobiography and I am working on a book of photography and devotions that God is giving me a little at a time.

The Lord has done so much for me, I want to share it with the world. I am starting here, but He alone knows where I'll end up!


The Faithful Journey

Written by // Sandra Brock Categories // Thoughts

I finally finished it!

I started this autobiographical book about 5 years back, earnestly working on writing the story of my journey from being hopeless and homeless, to where I am now, saved by grace, and happily married to the love of my life.

It took a long while to write, partly because I lived life and worked while I tried to find time to do this project and do it well; also partly because it was hard, sometimes, to pour over the details of my past.

Why would I do it, then, you may ask?

Because I feel that God asked me to.

Jesus did soemthing mighty miraculous in me, through me, for me---He raised me out of the pits of depression and totall hopelessness and He raised me up to a level of joy that I can only describe as....well, awesome!

How did He do that?
It's in the book.
What did it take?
It's in the book ( just a hint---it took not a miricale, but many of them!)
What now?

That I don't know for sure; I do know that God wanted me to find a way to share with many about what He did for me....and I I am waiting for His next move, and expecting greatness.



Written by // Sandra Brock Categories // Thoughts

A few weeks ago, what seemed like a typical workday morning turned out to be anything but. My husband had gotten up with me that morning, and we were listening to our favorite radio station, The Fish. On the morning show, Good Morning Gina, the station was offering tickets to the sneak peek of a movie screening that evening; as well, Gina was talking about how she was thinking about writing her memoirs and how she had gone from being homeless to the successful person that she was and all that had happened in between. Well, that struck a chord in us, because that is what I am doing, writing an autobiography about how I have gone from poor, homeless and godless, to a believer who has married the love of her life and is living a relatively successful life.

As it so happened, not only was Bob the correct caller to get the tickets, but he talked to Gina herself and encouraged her to write and said how I was doing the same, writing about my journey from homelessness to a success. She said her customary "Yay You!" and promised us tickets to the movie.

That night when we went to the movie, Gina was there. I introduced myself and gave her my card, told her I would send her a copy of my book and in the meantime, she could check out my website to find out more about me.
She was tickled and said she would love a copy of the book, and added that she would like to have lunch with me and talk about writing.

I said great, and the next thing I knew, she asked me if I would be willing to talk on the radio---and I said, "Oh, absolutely"
So, I sent her a book and we have emailed back and forth about me being on her radio show!

I am so thrilled; this is the best chance at real promotion that my writing has ever had! I will blog the continuing story of being on the radio, and keep anyone who reads my blog posted as to when I will be on the radio.
Yay Me!


Hello Sacramento~~ And Beyond

Written by // Sandra Brock Categories // Thoughts

Welcome to a new age in my website and in my writing!

I have been away from the website, but did not forget it. River Media has revamped SABRtruth and don't she look grand?

I have been writing new stories and have been penning my memoirs in hopes that they will encourage others. Years ago, the Lord took a hold of my family in a radical way and since then, He has brought us through a great many things, and lead me to the love of my life. My writing is a direct reflection of the Love of Christ in and around me.
I pray that one way or another, my writing experiences will bless anyone who reads my book~~look for new work to be published just around the corner.....and who knows? You may read a blog soon about me being on the radio!
Stay Tuned!!
In Him, Sandra


Fresh News

Written by // Sandra Brock Categories // Thoughts

Exciting, fresh news to tell. My first born nephew has returned from a long sojourn in New York. He was studying culinary there and has come home to apply what he has learned. To celebrate his return, I wrote him his own story, which is now the first story of my second book, Fleur Noir: Beyond The Field of Faith.

I am thrilled to be writing again! I can think of many loved ones for whom I have not yet written a story; maybe one or two loved ones will have their characters appear again....or perhaps there is just so much love in my heart right now, I am bursting at the seems and excited to have it spill over into all the avenues in my life.

You see, a collection of our favorite church members have set out on an exiting journey for Christ and are planting a church in the city where we live, Elk Grove, CA. My precious husband, stepson and I have committed ourselves to the furtherance of the Gospel with our church family at this new House of God, The Elk Grove Christian Fellowship.

We are taking baby steps, and as a writer, so am I.

For now.

But at least I am taking steps again....and who is to say how long they will stay small...stay tuned...The Lord is at work here!


First Entry

Written by // Sandra Brock Categories // Thoughts

Hello, and welcome to my beautiful website, a labor of love presented to me by my husband, in celebration of our receiving our Author copies of my first book, The One True King!

What a thrill it is to actually hold my book in my hands; God has truly blessed my life with tremendous joy over the last several years....He Is Awesome!

I am blessed to have this forum to share with friends, family, readers and searchers about my writing. The "SaBr" is for me, the "Truth" is the Truth of God's Word. All of my writings are inspired by Him, as revealed in The Word, and to my heart. It is my fondest dream that through these simple, fable-like works, readers will have an encounter with God.

In March, The One True King will be released, followed in April--the 8th to be exact-- by my first book signing at The Bridge, our friend's Christian Book Store. I hope to see you there, but if you can't make it, check back here for details on upcoming signings and promotions...and another book on the horizon!